Wanting to look up some HLASM features, I resigned myself to trying
InfoCenter for 2.1.  My experience:

On the Publibz z/OS main page, I find a link to:

    z/OS V2R1 Information Center

... a page with two frames.  The left frame is a list of shelves;
some useful things: HLASM, ISPF, TSO, Unix, ...  I had to
scramble to find JCL; it's on the MVS shelf.

Clicking on a shelf opens the right page to a list of books on
that shelf.  Each book has Abstract|TOC|PDF options.
TOC opens the TOC; Clicking on an entry opens that section.

Things got much better when I learned to use the "Back" button
in that right frame rather than the browser's "Back" button.

It might get tolerable with an "InfoCenter for Dummies" tutorial.
Is there one?


o I don't know how to search a book or a shelf for a string?  Is
  it possible?  The "Search" windows return either hundreds of
  hits or a few irrelevant hits.

o LOOKAT is sorely absent.  Could this be restored with an index?

-- gil

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