On 24/01/2014 4:28, Charles Mills wrote:

I am looking for a general tutorial on how SSL/TLS program distribution
signing works.

Level set: I *am* quite conversant with SSL/TLS technology as it applies to
Web and similar clients and servers.

Thanks much. (Not totally OT: one thing I want to sign is Z software
distributed via the Web.)

I sign code on Windows, I expect the principles would be similar for z/OS.

You need a specific code signing certificate. They are similar to SSL certificates, but when you purchase one they do more stringent checks to make sure that your organization exists, and you are authorized to request the certificate for your organization.

Somewhat confusingly, on Windows the certificate ends up installed in the Web browser. You can export it from there to transfer it to other systems etc. In IE, it can be exported from Internet Options->Content->Certificates.

Once you have the certificate, you use a utility to sign the executable with the certificate. I don't know exactly what it does, I think it embeds a digital signature and the corresponding public key signed by the certificate authority. The end user can then check the signature to validate that the executable is from the organization and has not been modified. Windows does this automatically for installation files and warns if the software is not signed. Like SSL, there is a chain of certificates that should lead back to a known certificate authority whose public key you already have.

You can also timestamp the signature. This contacts a timestamp server run by the certificate authority, and adds a signed timestamp that shows that the signature was generated while the certificate was valid. This means that when the code signing certificate expires, existing signatures are still valid. You just can't generate new signatures.

There is some documentation at:

(I purchased my certificate from K software, who sell Comodo certificates)

Hope this helps,

Andrew Rowley

+61 413 302 386

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