baby eklavya wrote:

>We are running z/os 1.11 and also have SAS 8.2 in our shop . Each time after 
>IPL ,automation issues the start command for SAS server3 started task 
>repeatedly ( more than 100 times). But the fun part is that , the task is 
>actually started with one of the start commands issued initially . But 
>automation still keeps issuing the start command for this task and eventually 
>gives up saying the task cannot be started .

>Is this a timing issue ? or a communication problem between the task and 
>automation product ( CA OPSMVS) .

This is a common error caused by incompetent automation administrator. Review 
the condition(s) why the command is issued.

This problem where a STC is started automagically upon ending can happen with 
ANY automation software.

>How can i fix this ?

Simple. Disable the issueing of the command and rather send a SMS to notify the 
owner of that SAS server when that thing is stopped. Or wait out the IPL and 
then start SAS server by hand or very late automatically only ONCE.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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