W dniu 2014-04-07 12:31, Elardus Engelbrecht pisze:
Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

When I started with computers, programmers subsisted on a diet of pizza and 
coffee. The new generation ate popcorn, which I find less satisfying than 
pizza. At least one company collected recyclable paper and used the proceeds to 
buy beer for a monthly party. I used to go on periodic suganiyoth[1] 
expeditions with CS students who hung around the computer center.
What data center food/drink customs have others encountered?
Anything edible and drinkable. :-)

There are small grocery shops, pizza/hamburger/fish+chips outlets around my 
offices. Usually we 'order' some junior and go do the shopping.  After hours 
are somewhat difficult since no 24 hours place were available then, but now 
there is that unpopular macdonald junk shop nearby with those pathetic 
uneatable small things they call 'burger' and chips.

We {or at least me} prefer local hamburger / pizza places which can make proper 
oversized hamburgers or pizzas.

My offices do however have a full service restaurant operating in office hours. 
No alcoholics of course.
It's not so "of course". In some places there are wine and beer served. Example: IBM Montpellier (France), AFAIR IBM Boeblingen (Germany).
In other countries it could be illegal.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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