On Tue, 13 May 2014 17:47:39 -0400, Tony Harminc wrote:

>On 8 May 2014 19:34, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:
>> ST doesn't accept a 3-modifier expression, that is an artifact of the XL 
>> C/C++ "assembler" listing format.
>This is really really annoying, and has been for years. The compiler
>is now quite capable of producing correct assembler output when the
>Metal option is specified, but presumably someone at IBM believes this
>stuff is more readable, somehow.
>Maybe there's a requirement here.
One can argue that a couple ways:

o The correctness of the assembler output could be verified by assembling
  it (possibly after filtering page headers, etc.).

o False assembler output discourages users' tweaking it and using it
  in place of making modifications to the C source (and then reporting
  problems in the incorrectly tweaked code).

Similar applies to the pseudo "JCL" produced by the "cc" (whatever)
command, some of which is a circumvention of the 100-character PARM
or 256-character pathname limit.  Maybe it should emit Rexx instead
of JCL.

-- gil

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