On 8/11/2014 7:37 PM, Ron Thomas wrote:

We have a array like this , what would be best way to initlaize this array  in 
terms of performance ?

     05  MY-TABLE.
         10  TABLE-ENTRY OCCURS 9999 TIMES.
             15  FIRST-NAME         PIC X(15).
             15  LAST-NAME          PIC X(15).
             15  SEX-CODE           PIC X.
             15  DOB.
                 20  DOB-YYYY       PIC 9(4).
                 20  DOB-MM         PIC 99.
                 20  DOB-DD         PIC 99.
             15  SSN                PIC 9(9).
             15  SALARY             PIC S9(9)V99 COMP-3.

Ron T

Put a VALUE clause on each elementary item.

-Steve Comstock

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