Actually our NJEDOMAIN reads "BITNET", which I assume is either the z/OS 
delivered default or was put there because that is the example given in the 
documentation.  Doesn't like we even use NJE here, so I think the value of that 
particular parm is n/a.

Anyways, as I said, the emails are being forwarded with no problem to our (MS 
Exchange) email server.  It's just vexing me that we get the warning messages.

For what its worth, here is the OUTPUT DD for this started task:

EZA5562I Resolver Usage YES Specified                                        
EZA5355E GATEWAY specified but SMTPNJE DD card not found.  NJE gateway       
EZA5356E facility will not be enabled.                                       
EZA5126I ====================================================================
EZA5125I IBM MVS SMTP CS V1R13 on Tue, 19 Aug 14 21:25:06 -0600              
EZA5127I Jobname of SMTP Server         : SMTP                               
EZA5128I TCP Network Domain Name        : ZOSD.fb                            
EZA5129I Gateway TCP Network to NJE     : Yes                                
EZA5130I NJE Network Node Name          : ZOSD                               
EZA5131I NJE Domain Name                : BITNET                             
EZA5133I Local Delivery Format          : Netdata                            
EZA5189I Local Output Class             : B                                  
EZA5134I NJE Delivery Format            : Punch                              
EZA5190I NJE Output Class               : B                                  
EZA5136I PostMaster Address             : <sp...@zosd.fb>                    
EZA5137I Userid for Bad Spool Files     : SPRCC                              
EZA5317I Listen on Address              : Unspecified                        
EZA5139I Port for Server SMTP           : 25                                 
EZA5191I REMOTEPORT for SMTP client     : 25                                 
EZA5140I Inactivity Timeout             : 180 seconds                        
EZA5141I Finish Open Timeout            : 120 seconds                        
EZA5142I Retry down sites every         : 20 minutes                         
EZA5143I Return mail older than         : 3 days                             
EZA5265I Warn about mail older than     : 1 days                             
EZA5144I Max Length of Accepted Mail    : 524288 bytes                       
EZA5648I MaxMsgSent                     : 0                                  
EZA5236I Max Temporary Error Retries    : Disabled                           
EZA5225I Resolver Tracing               : Disabled                           
EZA5228I Name Resolution Method         : Nameserver, Port 53                
EZA5231I Nameserver Address(.1.)        :                        
EZA5231I Nameserver Address(.2.)        :                        
EZA5232I Nameserver Response Timeout    : 1 seconds                          
EZA5233I Resolver Retry Interval        : 20 minutes                         
EZA5234I UDP Retries/Nameserver/Interval: 4                                  
EZA5235I RCPT TO: response delay        : 60 seconds                   
EZA5145I Translate Table                : TCPIP.STANDARD.TCPXLBIN      
EZA5263I DBCS Conversion                : Disabled                     
EZA5175I Mail Logging                   : Yes                          
EZA5179I Debugging Enabled              : No                           
EZA5319I Outbound Open Session Limit    : None                         
EZA5388I InboundOpenLimit               : 0                            
EZA5322I SMSG Authorization List        : Processed                    
EZA5272I Deliver via Mailer             : None                         
EZA5645I IP Mailer Name                 : MAIL.FB ALL                  
EZA5186I Mail File Dataset Prefix       : SYS5.ZOSD.                   
EZA5187I Mail File Unit Name            : SYSDA                        
EZA5183I Spool Poll Interval            : 30 Seconds                   
EZA5569I No Source Routing              : Disabled                     
EZA5573I RcptReply452 Active            : No                           
EZA5574I SMTP ExitDirection             : Inbound                      
EZA5471I DeleteBadSpoolFile             : No                           
EZA5209I Local Time Zone                : SYSTZ                        
EZA5390I STOPONRENF                     : Inactive                     
EZA5260I Rewrite 822 Mail Headers       : Enabled.  Using default rules

I'm curious what you see in your SMTP.OUTPUT and your SMTP.LOGFILE (assuming 
you have LOG set).


 From: Michael Klaeschen <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: z/OS SMTP server

In our shop we have a started task called SMTP which is associated to a 
JES output class. That started task's cataloged procedure calls 
PGM=MVPMAIN with a CONFIG DD reading a certain statement for NJEDOMAIN. I 
think this is the SMTP setup "not CSSMTP". You might check this in your 
environment. I am pretty sure, your NJEDOMAIN reads ZOS. The interesting 
point is *not* to set up an NJE node or even network (I think you can do 
but that's another story). Here, the NJE domain name is used in the 
default set of rewrite rules for the RFC822 header fields. For us this is 
a good (or "correct") setup when for example we IEBGENER our memos to the 
JES output class associated with SMTP. We just write "HELO ZOS" and our 
SMTP started task will forward the correct way to our Lotus Domino service 
including query of MX records and all that stuff.


Von:    Frank Swarbrick <>
Datum:  2014-09-02 20:56
Betreff:        z/OS SMTP server
Gesendet von:   IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

I am writing a simple CICS application to use the EXEC CICS SPOOLxxxx 
commands to write data to JES to be used by z/OS SMTP (not CSSMTP which we 
do not have running).  My question is simple, but perhaps the answer is 
not.  The question is, what is the best way to get the correct "domain 
name" to be used in the SMTP HELO command?

We have quite a few batch processes that use the z/OS SMTP server to send 
email.  All of them appear to just have coded "HELO ZOS".  While this 
works, it also is not technically "correct" because "ZOS" is not in fact 
the "domain name".  Rather, in our DEV LPAR it should be "zosd.fb" and in 
production "prd1.fb".  So we have a lot of the following the the SMTP 
EZA5460I 09/02/14 09:01:24 BSMTP Helo Domain: ZOS I've never heard of you!
rather than the more desirable:
EZA5460I 09/02/14 12:23:11 BSMTP Helo Domain: zosd.fb Yours too, I see! 

SMTP doesn't seem to really care.  Other than the message above it still 
works no matter if you supply the "correct" domain or not.

I looked at the source code for the SMTPNOTE CLIST and see that even there 
the value is hardcoded.  Do we just need to make this somehow configurable 
and make sure we configure it with the name of the LPAR the CICS is 
running in?  Seems a bit of overkill.

Honestly, the whole requirement for a user application to actually specify 
SMTP commands seems to me to be more than a little crazy.  And in any 
case, the requirement for specifying "who I am" on the HELO is even odder. 
Especially since (for example) the Microsoft Exchange SMTP server doesn't 
even require it:

220 ES05.firstbank.fb.ent2 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 2 
Sep 2014 12:39:56 -0600
250 ES05.firstbank.fb.ent2 Hello []
whereas the z/OS SMTP server does require it.  When not present the email 
is not sent and the SMTP log shows:
EZA5465E 09/02/14 12:48:53 Deleting Spool File from undetermined origin 
job number (JOB04887)

Perhaps in the end I'll just use "HELO ZOS" just like every other email 
job we have.  But I like to have things as "correct" as possible (when 
possible and not a huge amount of extra work).


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