When you attach the subtask, specify ESTAI=whatever.

When you force DETACH the subtask, the ESTAI will get control. One thing about ESTAIs (that's not true for ESTAEs) is that they can return to RTM with RC=16 (via SETRP of course). This means "don't percolate the abend any further. Just go quietly into the night. Do not rage rage against the dying of the light".

Dave Cole

At 10/16/2014 02:00 PM, Victor Gil wrote:

Hi everyone,

Working on a general purpose callable subroutine to connect to a remote DB2 subsystem and return values back to the caller.

Since the caller may [and WILL] have established its own DB2 connection to a local DB2 subsystem, possibly with some cursors open and DB2 locks acquired, the subroutine must run under a different TCB.

I have no problems attaching a subtask on a first call and connecting from it to a remote subsystem, but I cannot force the caller [because this would mean massive change to the existing source code] to also call me with the "end-of-job" request, so that I can properly detach the subtask.

And if it is not detached the main task will surely get abended. [By the way - can't this get trapped by an ESTAE(X) and converted into RC=0?]

Given the above scenario - does anyone have a suggestion on how to quietly terminate both tasks without the detach? Or maybe a suggestion on ANOTHER way of implementing the required functionality?

Many thanks in advance!
-Victor Gil-

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Dave Cole
ColeSoft Marketing
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