
Would anybody have an example of an input volume list.  I am trying to perform 
a logical backup of a volume however some of  the dsns are multi-volume.  The 
doc says the following :

Specify SELECTMULTI(FIRST) and include the first volume of the data set in the 
input volume list. For VSAM data
sets, you must include the first volume of the data component in the input 
volume list.
Below is my jcl:

//BACKUP  EXEC PGM=ADRDSSU,REGION=4096K                   
//TAPE1    DD UNIT=3490,LABEL=(1,SL),                     
//         DSN=HESP.LOGICAL.BACKUP.SYS301.COPY1,          
//         DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),VOL=(,,,35)               
//TAPE2    DD UNIT=3490,LABEL=(1,SL),                     
//         DSN=HESP.LOGICAL.BACKUP.SYS301.COPY2,          
//         DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE),VOL=(,,,35)               
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                    
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=*                                    
//SYSMAP   DD SYSOUT=*                                    
//SYSIN    DD *                                           
  DUMP DATASET(INCLUDE(**)                         -      
              EXCLUDE(SYS1.**))                    -      
      SELECTMULTI(FIRST)                           -      
      SPHERE                                       -      
      LOGINDDNAME(INPUT1)                          -      

The first of the dsn is on volume SYS306 and the third extent is on SYS340.   
We have a corrupted VTOC INDEX.

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