Thomas Berg wrote:

>Sometimes I have a need to do a selective copy of a dataset where the 
>selection is both record sequence and record position/part dependent. 
>And by that I mean the record part/position is varying depending on which 
>record it's about.  
>An example (yes, it looks silly):

Who ever gave you homework is silly... ;-D

>I want to copy  position 31 to 40 of all records but from record 8 and 9 I 
>want to copy also (concatenate) position 71 to 80 and from record 6 to 8 I 
>also (concatenate in "front") want to copy position 1 to 3.  

Hmmm. Hard requirement if you want all of this in ONE pass. Could you be kind 
to post an example of your input and output?

What about the rest of input? Should they stay the same during copy or left out 
of the output?

>I can see the use of the SUBSET (ICETOOL) for record selection but how do you 
>user DFSORT/ICETOOL to solve the combining record and varying position needs ? 

What about SPLICE and JOIN?

>I now use a homegrown program for this but it's lacking efficiency to say the 
>least and I'm looking at DFSORTs efficiency and speed.    

How so? Could you post that program or some snippets? I believe I could do that 
with REXX.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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