Ray Pearce wrote:

>The 'query string' part of a URL starts with a question mark with parts of the 
>query separated by ampersands.  In the original url, every  query parameter 
>starts with utm_ This is a clue that they are Urchin Tracking Module codes and 
>are only used for analysis of the origin of the request. Almost any url that 
>include utm_ parameters can have them removed with no ill effect 

My, oh my! Interesting! Thanks for this lesson. Great! I wish I could steal 
your brain and throw away mine, but this is somewhat risky.

>(apart from a few marketeers who would like to know where you found the link) 

I'm chronically allergic to these marketeers... ;-)
... and I don't want to be cured, thank you...

Thanks Ray for your kind posts. You have made my day! 

Please keep up with your posts. I learn from them. Thanks!
Groete / Greetings 
Elardus Engelbrecht 

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