Check SMF99 subtype 5 for storage target.  SRM manages to a storage target
which is set in a complex way if you are not using storage critical, but
aims to keep interactive work responsive.  Your CICS regions may be
mis-categorized for this purpose.  This storage target is enforced
pre-emptively (even when there isn't a system-wide storage shortage yet),
which is of course why this way of managing CICS regions has been replaced
by storage critical.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Peter Hunkeler <> wrote:

> A word in advance: I have subscribed to the MXG-L list but have not yet
> granted access, so I'm asking here first.
> I'm busy working on a problem some of CICS region are suffering from
> periodically. There are times when some CICS regions are paging-in some MB
> of storage and are thus suffering from the paging delay.
> Since this is about page-in, the storage that is paged-out has been in use
> before. It is not too clear yet what this storage is and what is causing it
> to be referenced again in that massive way. That's being investigated and
> is not directly my question here, although any hint is welcome as well.
> I'm trying to understand why that amount of storage has been paged-out
> from those CICS regions, and when this has happened. looking at the SMF30
> subtype 2 for the CICS regions a indeed can see intervals with large number
> of pages being paged-out (SMF30PGO). I do not see any non-zero values
> indicating pages had been stolen (SMF30PST).
> It has been my understanding (which may be wrong, of course) that page
> steaqling happens when the Available Frame Queue goes below the min
> threshold. SRM/RSM will them steal pages and page them out. I would expect
> those numbers to appear in SMF30PST. And if this number is 0 for an address
> space, this one was not a donor in a low AFQ situation, right?
> We do see the AFQ going low sometimes, and it was my assumption that those
> CICSs were victims by having pages stolen. This does not seem to be the
> case. What then causes the pages to be paged-out (SMF30PGO)? Is CICS doing
> PGOUT by itself?
> --
> Peter Hunkeler
> --
> Peter Hunkeler
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