Here is the deal. Here is why the ABO. I am going to do this without reference 
to materials, and some of the details are NDA anyway, but let me give this a 
very general shot.

For years IBM was able to sell new boxes by saying "Mr. CIO, your batch window 
is shrinking? No problem, buy our new mainframe and all your COBOL will run 30% 
faster." (Gross oversimplification, but bear with me.) Now CMOS is no longer 
getting any faster. Not Z CMOS, not Intel CMOS. Barring an outside the box 
breakthrough that is not expected, CMOS is not going to get 30% faster. Look 
back at the mainframe model performance numbers. Each box is 30 to 100% faster 
than the one that came before ... until roughly the z12. They aren't getting 
significantly faster anymore. So you can't sell mainframes with "your COBOL 
will automatically run faster."

Now, in a sense, mainframes ARE getting faster. More cache. Higher real memory 
limits and for Z, dramatically lowered memory prices. That processor 
multi-threading thing. But especially, new instructions that are inherently 
faster than the old way of doing things. Load and store on condition are the 
i-cache's dream instructions! Lots and lots of new "faster way to do things" 
instructions on the z12 and z13.

But in order to take advantage of those new instructions, two things have to 
happen: (a.) IBM had to release a dramatically improved COBOL compiler (they 
did) and (b.) Mr. CIO has to recompile everything. But Mr. CIO has either lost 
the source code, or does not know if his source code corresponds to his 
production loadlibs, or Mr. CIO has laid off all the programmers and there is 
no one to re-compile and re-test.

Enter the ABO ...


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Shane Ginnane
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: IBM Automatic (COBOL) Binary Optimizer Now Availabile

On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 22:43:37 +0000, Gibney, David Allen,Jr wrote:

>And it doesn't stick you with the requirement for the loadlib to be PDS/E...

I wonder if this hasn't been such an impediment to V5 take-up that it enabled a 
business case to be built to release the ABO.
So, what could possibly be the basis of the funding for this - maybe a future 
enforcing of a "ABO or latest version" policy so that the compiler folks can 
issue a restricted support statement like BCP ?.

Cynical ??? ... me ???

Shane ...

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