On 7/04/2016 7:56 PM, John McKown wrote:
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 5:59 AM, Wayne Bickerdike <wayn...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm slightly gobsmacked that this discussion is needed. I guess the forest
is lost in the trees.

I can recommend "Principles of Program Design" by Michael Jackson c. 1975.

Of greater concern is the implication that Oracle on AIX outperforms DB2 on
z/OS at our shop. Surely not :(

​Without knowing the hardware & software setups, I can believe this. Why?
Because our distributed systems people "proved" that a Sun running Solaris
was faster than z/Linux on a z. Of course, they were comparing a
_dedicated_ Sun server (don't know the exact model) which 10 CPs and 10Gb
of memory to z/Linux running on a z890 with 2 Gb memory and a single IFL.
Kind of like proving that a Chevy is better than a Mazda by comparing a
Corvette​'s performance on a race track to my Mazda 3 on the same race

So that Sun setup is basically what you get with a $5000 x86 blade!

Wayne V. Bickerdike

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