On 5/18/2016 1:00 AM, Peter wrote:
One of the module shows me the below copyright but I do not see the product

EIRFUCB2V1R1M0  5706-110 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1990 19945706-110 (C)

Is there a Link within IBM which can help me to track ?

If you search IBM's web site for product number "5706-110" (which takes less time than writing an email to IBM-MAIN), you will find:


 1.1  RFA 20691

 1.1.1  OfficeVision/2 V1 & OS/2 Features W/D From Mktg

IBM OfficeVision Family - OfficeVision/2 and OS/2 Office Features Withdrawal
 from Marketing and Discontinuance of Program Services

Effective May 23, 1994, IBM will withdraw from marketing the following programs licensed under the IBM Customer Agreement. In addition, effective
 September 23, 1994 program services will be discontinued.

    Program Number   Program Name         Version
    --------------   ----------------     -------
    5706-110         IBM OfficeVision/2      1

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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