On 6/2/2016 9:43 PM, michelbutz wrote:
So it is the same parm as the one in the pause


 . IEAVXFR/IEAVXFR2/IEA4XFR/IEA4XFR2 current_du_release_code

will be set to the value specified by one of the following-

 . IEAVRLS/IEAVRLS2/IEA4RLS/IEA4RLS2 target_du_release_code
 . IEAVXFR/IEAVXFR2/IEA4XFR/IEA4XFR2 target_du_release_code
 . IEAVAPE2/IEA4APE2 owner_termination_release_code

All of the parameters are three bytes in length.

You should always use a non-0 unique value for the owner_termination_release_code parameter so that you can tell the PET was released by Release or Transfer, or because the PET owning address space terminated.


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