Pete Conlin wrote:
I encountered a very similar problem this morning, changed to java 8.0 (from 7.0) 
& was OK (both 31-bit).
IBM seems to have just started "enforcing" the ftps (vs. ftp) since my last 
maintenance (a couple of weeks ago), so
I suspect their enforcement also involved changes for those of you already 
dutifully using ftps.
The sample RECINET program to test this stuff (secure ftp) still works wiith 
java 7.0.

Yes, the enforcement was implemented over the weekend. I don't know why changes would have been necessary for those already using either FTPS or HTTPS. (I was waiting for Kurt to chime in but he's not on our internal IM system so he might be out.)

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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