On 8 November 2016 at 22:04, Jim Mulder <d10j...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> The  OA50565 fix changed  the TSO/E environment service to turn on PSCBJCL
> when running in an APF authorized jobstep (i.e. when JCSBAUTH is on).
> IDCAMS is linked in SYS1.LINKLIB with AC(1), so an EXEC PGM=IDCAMS jobstep
> is APF authorized.

One might expect that to keep behaviour as much the same as possible,
IKJTSOEV would check for a TSO segment in RACF and honour the JCL (and
MOUNT and even OPER etc.) setting in that. If there is no TSO segment,
then why not fall back to standard batch job behaviour? What is the
rational for newly restricting JCL permission in a batch job? JCL has
not historically depended on being APF authorized in a non-TSO batch

Tony H.

Tony H.

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