On Wed, 16 Nov 2016 11:12:53 -0600, Edward Gould wrote:
>I think smp (NOTE without the e) was the problem a long time ago.
>There was a gotcha in that IEBUPDTE does *NOT* support VB records.
>IBM needed to support VB but their utilities did NOT.
>IBM then forced the issue of changing clists to FB. BUT by then everyone was 
>using VB.
>Even today there is no IBM system utility that supports VB, and IBM continues 
>to send out FB clists.
How is this still a thing!?

What's a "utility"?  IEBGENER and IEBCOPY and Rexx support VB.  I'd
substitute "not all" for "no".

I'll try to deconstruct this.  255 was the largest record that could be 
extracted from
a buffer with the IC; BCTR; EX; MVC cliche. IC can't handle more than 255 and
LH is undesirable because the RDW might be unaligned, resulting in a 
exception.  3120 is probably optimum for some model DASD.

To Ed J. I'll suggest Postel's law.  Deal with anything the user presents you in
an existing data set up to 32756.  For a new data set if it's your choice, 255.
3120?  SDB?

Puzzle:  What's the smallest BLKSIZE that SDB will select for a blocked data
set on a 3390?  I have an empirical answer, but someone else might find
a smaller one.

>There could be a solution that IBM would support VB/FB concatenation.
To me, it would be a boon if Rexx supported PDS/UNIX concatenation.
It usually works, but since it's "unsupported" I can't seek relief in the
instances when it doesn't.  It's a nuisance to copy EXECs back and
forth when I use them in both environments.

>There are several obstacles to doing this and IBM doesn’t (IMO) want to spend 
>the time to do so.
BSAM/QSAM can treat a UNIX file as either VB or FB according to the
allocation options.

And SMP/E (but not IEBUPDTE) can deal with VB with GIMDTS.

And IBM is offering me a fixtest for a problem I reported for the SDSF
Rexx interface's failing for a SYSIN with RECFM=VB,LRECL=32753.

-- gil

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