I am trying to ipl a z/os image that ipl properly as stand alone under
zPDT. When I try to ipl this system under z/vm (still zPDT), I get disabled
wait 088. all other bis are off, but I don't think this is a disk error as
it IPLs well in stand alone.

Any idea why this happen? BTW, we have a single CPU license if this matter.

Merry Christmas

*| **Itschak Mugzach | Director | SecuriTeam Software | *

*|* *Email**: i_mugz...@securiteam.co.il **|* *Mob**: +972 522 986404 **|*
*Skype**: ItschakMugzach **|* *Web**: www.Securiteam.co.il  **|*

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