On Mon, 13 Mar 2017 10:23:12 -0500, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> 

>​I took a quick look at XPLINK. And you're right, that's a whole 'nother
>kettle of fish. I basically understand the why, as explained in the LE
>manuals. But why COBOL decided to go with the same, other than
>inter-operation with C, is beyond my tiny (and shrinking) mind.​ Even with
>nested COBOL programs, I don't see COBOL programmers writing "tons" of
>"itty bitty" COBOL programs. But C/C++ programs do that a lot, especially
>C++ programmers.

COBOL programmers traditionally use paragraphs/SECTIONs and PERFORM for the 

There is an interesting development. For "contained/nested" programs, the 
optimiser can now "inline" the CALLs, so that a CALL to a contained program 
looks like a PERFORM of a paragraph/SECTION. Previously with Enterprise COBOL, 
there was a lesser overhead with a CALL to a contained/nested program than to 
an external program.

So you could now have lots of itty-bitty (contained) programs, which behave 
like paragraphs/SECTIONS but with "localised" data-names.

I don't know (no access to V5+) exactly how this pans out (there may be limits 
to how much can be inlined, as with paragrpahs/SECTIONs themselves) but it may 
offer a "different" way to develop COBOL programs. 

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