VTS does wonders for HSM.  Others have made good points about having all of the 
backup copies on disk.  One other thing that I would like to point out would be 
the increase in CPU consumption and elapsed time.  With tape, the compression 
is done within the tape controller.  If you are backing up to disk, HSM must do 
the compression.  That will significantly increase the CPU and will probably 
elongate the elapsed time.  If you do go with disk, I would highly recommend 
using zEDC for the compression.  That will actually decrease the CPU and 
improve the elapsed time because the compression ratio is so good and the data 
is compressed by DSS before being passed to HSM.

Cloud Tape Connector is not an option for HSM data.  CTC works on SMS tape data 
sets, of which HSM and OAM data are not.  As noted earlier in this same thread, 
HSM stacks the data on tape as a single tape file and internally manages the 
location of each logical data set on tape by storing the File Block ID.  CTC 
doesn't work with this type of setup.

Regarding Cloud Storage, HSM and DS8K recently announced support for 
Transparent Cloud Tiering where the DS8K directly writes migration data to 
cloud storage.  The storage can either be on prem or off prem.  The value being 
that the data no longer flows through the z server, significantly reducing the 
CPU requirements and eliminating RECYCLE processing.  But, backup support is 
not yet available.  For those concerned about the data going to 'the cloud', we 
expect most z data to go to an on prem cloud, which is within the walls of your 
existing environments.  When going to an off prem cloud, z/OS will be providing 
data set level encryption, so that the data is encrypted on z before being sent 
out.  By policy, data will be able to be sent to ML2, on prem cloud or an off 
prem (public or private) cloud.

Additionally, IBM announced limited support for this same cloud support to 
target an IBM VTS.  This enables direct data movement between an IBM DS8K and 
IBM VTS for HSM migration and recall processing, also enabling significant CPU 
reduction, elimination of 16K block writes and elimination of RECYCLE 

Glenn Wilcock
DFSMShsm Architect

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