See below ...

Am 21.06.2017 um 22:13 schrieb Frank Swarbrick:
Interesting!  Is this (1 and 2) actually addressed anywhere official that 
discusses PL/I and C ILC?  One would hope so...  I imagine that PL/I could 
simply call the C free() function itself, in any case.

in fact, I don't know if this is documented anywhere.

I realized it last year only when we had a storage lead in a PL/1 batch job
which involved C too, and I observed after some checking, that there was
no increase in the LE User Heaps. The culprit turned out to be some
PL/1 routines, and their ALLOCs used up the LE Anywhere Heap, so I
had to add support for the LE Anywhere and Below Heap to my tools;
I thought up until then that they are only used by LE itself, but not by
the "user" routines. Wrong ...

Don't know if you can call the C free() function directly from C,
but there are LE functions doing the storage allocation and free business
(I don't recall their names, must be in the LE Vendor interface book),
and they should work regardless of the heap type. Maybe even PL/1 FREE
doesn't care if the area is User heap or LE Anywhere heap ... the layout
of the control blocks is the same ... but I don't know; if PL/1 FREE simply
calls the aforementioned LE function, all will be OK.

This presentation is very interesting:

I'm not looking to make anything in particular work in PL/I, but rather thinking about 
how the new "dynamic-length elementary items" supported by the latest COBOL 
standard (2014) could work when interfacing with C strings (and PL/I variable length 
strings, for that matter).  I thought it would be useful to know what PL/I does in this 

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Bernd 
Oppolzer <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: PL/I and C (was Re: Simple (?) C question)

Hi Frank,

1.) yes, the C area acquired by malloc must be freed by someone

2.) unfortunately, the PL/1 FREE statement cannot do it, because,
as I recently observed while checking some PL/1 modules for storage leaks,
PL/1 stores its heap areas (allocated by PL/1 ALLOC / FREE) in the LE
but C - with malloc - uses one of the (in theory many) LE USER HEAPs,
so PL/1 FREE will not be able to FREE the C malloc areas. At least, that's
what I think. You will IMO have to provide a C function that frees the
area on behalf of the PL/1 caller (using C free). At least, I believe
what you should do.

3.) at one of my former customer's site, we decided to write our own
storage management, callable from all languages. Of course, it is based
on normal GETMAIN / FREEMAIN. If you do this carefully, you will even
be able to outperform the LE storage management (to some small percent
values). With this solution, you don't have such problems as outlined

4.) for my private Stanford Pascal compiler project (the compiler runs
on MVS and CMS on Hercules, but even on today's z/OS), I rewrote the
LE storage management in Pascal, from some descriptions and presentations
available from IBM. This took me some weeks last year, but it works without
problems. Look here:
Oppolzer - Informatik / Stanford Pascal 
Updated version of the Stanford Pascal Compiler designed to run on VM/370 Rel. 
6 under the Hercules emulator. It should also run on today's z/VM and some, or 
all ...

5.) I also wrote some diagnose routines (for LE on z/OS) that check for
storage leaks
on the fly (while the programs run).

Please call me offline, if you want to know more.

Kind regards


Am 21.06.2017 um 21:01 schrieb Frank Swarbrick:
I know we have some PL/I experts here, and I can't seem to subscribe to the 
PL/I listserv, so I'll ask here.  I am not a PL/I programmer, but I've studied 
it to some degree.  I believe the following is a valid PL/I program that would 
invoke the C language get_static_string() function (as well as one called 
get_dynamic_string() that does a malloc() and returns it's result).


    dcl s_str    ext('get_static_string')
                 entry( entry returns( byvalue pointer ) )
                 options( byvalue nodescriptor );
    dcl d_str    ext('get_dynamic_string')
                 entry( entry returns( byvalue pointer ) )
                 options( byvalue nodescriptor );
    dcl str1     char(*) varz based(str1ptr), str1ptr pointer;
    dcl str2     char(*) varz based(str2ptr), str2ptr pointer;

    str1ptr = s_str();
    str2ptr = d_str();

My question is, can/must the PL/I program do free(str2ptr) in order to release 
the storage for the dynamically allocated string?  (And obviously NOT do this 
for str1ptr.)

Side request... Could someone post the PL/I "JNI" copybook?

Thanks, Frank

From: Frank Swarbrick
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 9:47 AM
To: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
Subject: Re: Simple (?) C question

Thanks John.  I know of no code that does this, nor do I intend to implement 
any.  What I was really trying to determine is if a routine could possibly 
(rightly or wrongly) return a pointer to a field that was statically allocated 
rather than dynamically allocated.  Which would mean that the caller should 
not, for example, attempt a free() on that pointer.  I've been pondering the 
COBOL 2014 standard and how it might interact with C in this regard.

Thanks to everyone who answered.


From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of John 
McKown <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: Simple (?) C question

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Frank Swarbrick <> wrote:

I know there are at least a few C developers here, so I was wondering if
you could answer a question.  Is the following valid C?  (I'm not asking if
one should actually do it; only if its valid at all.)
char *get_static_string(void) {
      static char str[81] = "This is a statically allocated C string";
      return str;

printf("%s", get_static_string());

I don't have a C compiler available at work else I'd try it myself.


You have gotten some good answers. So I will just interject a bit of,
perhaps off center, comment. Your code, as written compiles just fine. But
it is basically very dangerous. The reason is that you are returning a
pointer which could be used to overwrite storage. This is also known as "a
bad thing" and is basically an attack vector by malicious code. I don't
know the actual intent of your question. But I would suggest using the
#pragma string(readonly) in your example. E.g. compile "get_static_string"
in its own compilation unit (i.e. by itself)

#pragma strings(readonly)
const char *get_static_string() {
      const static char[] = "This is a statically allocated C string"; // let
the compiler figure out the length;
      return str;

I can hear you saying: "But, really, I need up be able to update this
string on occasion." If so, then I would greatly suggest that you create a
"compilation unit" (single file containing source which is compiled
independently ) such as:

file static_string.c

#if ! defined(MAXSTRLEN)
#define MAXSTRLEN 100
#include <string.h>

static char str[MAXSTRLEN];

const char *get_static_string(void) {
         return str;

int set_static_string(char *set_to_value) {
         int len_to_set = strnlen(set_to_value,MAXSTRLEN);
         if (len_to_set >= MAXSTRLEN)  // string too long!
                 return 1; // tell caller NO GO!
         memcpy(str,set_to_value,len_to_set); // fast copy
         return 0;

Since the variable "str" is defined as "static" and outside of any
function definition, it is "global" to the "compilation unit", but is not
known outside of it (i.e. it is not an external name). You compile the
above to "object" code. You may be able to bind it into a LOADLIB, but I
think you'll get some "external reference not found" type messages for

Anyway, the above could be similar to:

# file use_static_string.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
const char *get_static_string(void);
int set_static_string(char *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
         char set_to_1[]="Set to this value";
         char set_to_2[]="Set to another value";
         const char *return_static_string;
         int retRC;
         if (retRC != 0) {
         if (retRC != 0) {

Please note that I did test the above, but not on z/OS. I did it on
Linux/Intel at home. But it is fairly generic and so should work on z/OS
with xlc as well.

Also note the use of MAXSTRLEN. This is really a "preprocessor" value. Why
did I use it as I did? Because if 100 is not correct, you can change the
MAXSTRLEN value on the compile with the -D compile option. I don't
remember how to do this with JCL, but on a UNIX shell prompt, you can do
something like:

xlc -c -DMAXSTRLEN=256 -o static_string.o static_string.c # MAX string
length is 256 (255 chars + NUL ending) # compile, don't link
xlc -o use_static_string use_static_string.c static_string.o # compile and
link object from above

Veni, Vidi, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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