Been there too. Got the t-shirt and everything myself several times over a 38 year career.

Mark Jacobs

John McKown <>
August 2, 2017 at 8:42 AM

​Hum, around here when I "poke my nose in where it doesn't belong", it
tends to get whacked. My immediate manager is well aware of what is going
on. I am sure that he has let his manager know. It has most likely been
"risk assessed and accepted"​.

Veni, Vidi, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Timothy Sipples <>
August 2, 2017 at 3:52 AM

It is your job, too. You just write (yes write) something like:

- - - -

August 2, 2017

Dear (My Manager):

I would like to make you aware that we are no longer receiving
security-related and other patches for the following software products and
release levels that are in productive use, as of the dates indicated:

z/OS Version 1.12 2014-09-30
CICS Transaction Server Version 3.2 2015-12-31
DB2 for z/OS Version 9.1 2014-06-27

Without security patches, and without an ongoing preventive maintenance
program to apply them, there is a growing risk of breaches. We are also
running software products that will receive security updates only for the
next 12 months or less. I can provide those details upon request.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks.

(My Signature)

- - - -

That's it. You've provided the factual information, in writing (which could be electronic), and your manager decides what to do or not to do. If you've
already done that, great. If there's a material update to provide, to keep
management reasonably well informed, please do.

Just apply a "reasonable care" standard and tell your manager, that's all.
If you're a secretary at an electric company, walking along the park one
sunny afternoon, and you see a couple people trying to steal a utility
pole, "not my job" doesn't wash. You call the police, and you tell your
boss. Likewise, if somebody has left the door open to the utility pole
depot, you ring up your company's security desk and tell them. Whether they
do anything or not is indeed *their* job, but you can observe and notify,

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA

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Mark Jacobs
Time Customer Service
Global Technology Services

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
Lt. Gen. David Morrison

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