Unless you have other specific examples, both NUMCHECK and SSRANGE already 
offer the ABD sub-option. I would think the RFE would be rejected as already 

On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:19:14 +0000, Frank Swarbrick 
<frank.swarbr...@outlook.com> wrote:

>Not yet submitted.  Please comment.
>COBOL Language Environment �warning� messages (severity code 1) are written to 
>the destination supplied by the MSGFILE runtime option.  This defaults to 
>CEEMSG for batch jobs and the CESE TD queue for CICS (where CESE is generally 
>mapped to the CEEMSG DD�)
>There is nothing about the execution of a program currently that will give any 
>indication that any warning conditions occurred, other than the existence of 
>these messages.  So if you want to know if a particular execution of a program 
>caused any warning conditions you must look at the appropriate output.
>Enterprise COBOL has recently added new compile options with sub-options ABD 
>and MSG.  When ABD is specified the program will, when certain conditions 
>occur, raise a severity 2 LE condition, which in turn (if not �handled�) will 
>cause the program to abend with code U4038 (or return code 3000 when runtime 
>option ABTERMENC(RETURN) in used instead of the default ABTERMENC(ABEND).
>When MSG is specified then only a severity 1 LE condition is raised.  This 
>causes COBOL to simply write the message and then continue on to the next 
>COBOL statement.
>Unless you are specifically thinking that your program run might have warnings 
>you may not check for them.  This is especially true for a CICS transaction, 
>since there is generally no �batch output� to review.
>It could be useful to have a run-time condition that optionally would be 
>raised at the termination of the run-unit (via STOP RUN or a GOBACK of the 
>�initial� program) if any COBOL warning condition was raised within the 
>run-unit.  This new condition should be at least a level 2 condition so that 
>it will in turn cause the existing CEE0198S condition to be raised if it is 
>not suppressed by a condition handler or other method, which in turn would 
>cause the U4038 abend.
>Use case:
>COBOL program is compiled with SSRANGE(MSG) and NUMCHECK(MSG).  When a 
>condition is raised as a result of something these options check for it causes 
>an appropriate warning message to be written to the LE MSGFILE.  As part of 
>COBOL run-unit termination it should check to see if any SEV 1 conditions 
>caused warning messages to be written.  If so it should raise a new SEV 2 (or 
>above) condition.
>-    Can/should this be done such that the current unit of work is committed 
>prior to the abend occurring?
>-    Use of this feature might necessitate the ability to suppress warning 
>messages that are expected.  This would probably have to be done at compile 
>time.  Perhaps a new �compiler directive� statement could be used to 
>�surround� code that causes a warning condition to occur but where you want to 
>suppress the warning.
>Other discussion:
>I thought that I might be able to code this myself as a condition handler 
>which I would then specify as the second parameter to the USRHDLR run-time 
>option.  I could not get this to work, because it appears that you cannot 
>�promote� the CEE0199W condition to another condition.
>Additionally, if you end your run-unit via a GOBACK instead of a STOP RUN it 
>does not cause any condition to occur, and thus the handler is not invoked at 
>run-unit termination.  So there would be no way to cause a new condition via 
>the handler in this case.
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