Am 13.01.2018 um 07:28 schrieb David Crayford:
On 13/01/2018 4:10 AM, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
Am 12.01.2018 um 20:42 schrieb Seymour J Metz:
I disagree; C is not remotely like assembly language, and the pre-processor is pathetic compared to any other macro facility that I have seen. The confusion between pointers and arrays and the zero-delimited strings are booby traps for the unwary.

As to C++, it provides classes that are not subject to all of the pitfalls of the underlying C, so I would regard it as a safer choice.

My experience is: C++ is VERY unsafe, because memory leaks are omnipresent
with C++.

I would respectfully disagree with that statement. C++ gained a reputation for leaking resources in the early 90s when exceptions were introduced. That was before the STL and everybody was allocating string buffers on the heap. RAII solved that problem decades ago. Because C does not support RAII semantics having to explicitly free resources makes it much more prone to resources leaks.

With C, for example, you can always catch the storage allocations functions (there are only 4, after all: malloc, calloc, realloc, free) and replace them in the whole software package by something different which does all sort of diagnose, all that you want. Try that in C++ ...

I've lost count of how many times I've seen C code with unchecked mallocs.  Also the lack of exceptions in C makes error handling ugly and error prone.

I consider the use of malloc/free or new/delete to be anti-patterns. Any heap allocation should be wrapped in a smart pointer using factory functions like std::make_unique or std::make_shared. z/OS C++ does not support those C++11 features yet but you can implement something similar yourself or go and get boost. For char buffers use std::vector<char> or std::string. Of course, you should always strive for stack based instantiations.

If I see the new operator used in C++ code without something like std::shared_ptr<Object>(new Object) it's a bad code smell. In fact I'm leery when I see any raw pointers in C++ code full stop. The only pointers I use are smart ones.

The problems we had in C++ had not to do with the explicit use of
new or malloc and forgotten frees etc.; they were much more subtle
and hard to find. There were errors in some class definitions, leading to
memory leaks, because the destructors of the class didn't work properly.
As I told you, even the very experienced C++ guys at the site claimed for
a long time that all was correct and there are no memory leaks in their code
until I proved it using - for example - CEL4MCHK. And then, days later, they
told me: oh, well, now we found it. And that was not one time, but many
times. You could say on every release of the software package. We did not
have such issues with the C part of the software, because there every
malloc / free is explicit and VISIBLE ...

We never needed tools to make our C software memory safe ... discipline
on the coders' part (never leave a function before freeing all the memory
you malloced) was sufficient for more than 20 years.

Kind regards


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