Ron Hawkins wrote:

>We're talking about the temp dataset that ISPF==>EDIT==>SUB command creates 
>before copying to INTRDR.

Correct, but actually, in this specific thread, it is about how the allocation 
is done by zSecure and how to fix it.

zSecure has its own version of Submit running REXX programs to do the 
allocations which I have described earlier in this thread.

The OP has asked on RACF-L how to delete 200 000 ids (yes, one fifth of 1 
million) and now asking space related question on IBM-MAIN.

That is a lot of ids and he got the advice to split that job in parts. Perhaps 
this is why he has trouble submitting his extrememly large jobs.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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