I have a few minutes, so I thought I would make some more comments.

1) z/OS JCL statements are much more complex than z/VSE because they have a lot more 'options'. But, to be honest, most programmers just use a small sub-set of what they could use.

Take a simple "I want to use a VSAM file". Here is what is normally used:

There are two major differences here:

z/OS (mostly) requires a DISP=. VSE (mostly) does not. VSE determines the correct setting at open time.

z/VSE (mostly) requires a CAT=. z/OS uses ICF catalogs and can figure it out by itself. This can be good or it can be bad. In z/VSE, almost every shop will have files with the same name located in different catalogs. This goes back to testing. With z/VSE, each partition (equal to a z/OS 'initiator') can be set the same catalog name so that it points to a different physical catalog.

I can see some of you thinking: "That would make security impossible." No, it does not. z/VSE manages security based on not just file name, but catalog name.

Personally, I think the advantage is to z/VSE when using VSAM files. Of course, those of you that have never had the chance to test using different catalogs may understand it's advantage.

(Both z/OS and z/VSE can specify buffer space, which is about the only other option used on VSAM files, so that item is a wash.)

Next up will be non-VSAM files.

Tony Thigpen

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