On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:01:34 +0000, Farley, Peter x23353 wrote:

>The PDS/E directory entry for a program contains, among other information, the 
>EPA offset within the program.
>The EPA offset is also contained in the SMDE/PMAR information returned by 
>After much RTFM however, I cannot seem to find anywhere in the Binder API data 
>areas an indication of which section/label is the entry point for the program.
>In particular, I would have expected that an LD entry in the ESD table would 
>contain such an indicator, but I do not see one anywhere.
>Am I just not seeing the information in the API structures or is it just not 

I don't know the answer to your question.

Consider that a CSECT can contain many ENTRY statements.

A load module can contain many CSECTs, coming from many compile units.

The ENTRY specified when binding the load module can be a CSECT or an ENTRY 
specified at assembly time.

A load module can have many aliases, each referencing a different entry point.

A load module can be bound again and saved with a new name with a different 
entry point.

Given the above, I would be surprised if the entry point can be obtained from 
any other place than the directory entry.

Tom Marchant

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