Radoslaw, I think that actual health check stuff does not happen until later.  
Look for message HZS0103I, which indicates when the health check started task 
has completed its start up.  This still may not answer why you get the alert.

Below are sample messages from two of our lpars that got IPLed over the 
weekend.  The actual started task did not start/complete until after 

(small tech lpar)
19006 04:12:48.86          00000290  IEE252I MEMBER IEAOPT00 FOUND IN 

19006 04:13:10.79          00000290  HZS0100I IPL-TIME START OF IBM HEALTH 
19006 04:13:10.79          00000290  HZS0115I IPL-TIME START OF HZSPROC IS 

19006 04:13:17.02          00000090  IRA860I HIPERDISPATCH MODE IS NOW ACTIVE

19006 04:13:36.49 STC76522 00000291  $HASP100 HZSPROC  ON STCINRDR
19006 04:13:36.75 STC76522 00000090  HZS0117I HZSPROC INITIALIZATION STARTING
19006 04:13:36.92 STC76522 00000090 *HZS0011E READING THE HZSPDATA DATA SET
19006 04:13:36.95 STC76522 00000090  HZS0018I READING COMPLETE FOR THE HZSPDATA 
19006 04:13:37.01 STC76522 00000090  HZS0403I SET PARMLIB PROCESSING HAS BEEN 
19006 04:13:37.05 STC76522 00000090  HZS0103I HZSPROC INITIALIZATION COMPLETE   

(main appl test lpar)
19006 01:33:50.26          00000290  IEE252I MEMBER IEAOPTMT FOUND IN 

19006 01:34:04.55          00000290  HZS0100I IPL-TIME START OF IBM HEALTH 
19006 01:34:04.55          00000290  HZS0115I IPL-TIME START OF HZSPROC IS 

19006 01:34:15.23          00000090  IRA860I HIPERDISPATCH MODE IS NOW ACTIVE   
19006 01:34:15.24          00000090  IWM066I MT MODE CHANGED FOR PROCESSOR 
                                     CHANGED FROM 1 TO 2.                       

19006 01:34:32.40 STC42490 00000291  $HASP100 HZSPROC  ON STCINRDR
19006 01:34:33.30 STC42490 00000090  HZS0117I HZSPROC INITIALIZATION STARTING
19006 01:34:33.37 STC42490 00000090 *HZS0011E READING THE HZSPDATA DATA SET
19006 01:34:33.37 STC42490 00000090  HZS0018I READING COMPLETE FOR THE HZSPDATA 
19006 01:34:33.42 STC42490 00000090  HZS0403I SET PARMLIB PROCESSING HAS BEEN 
19006 01:34:33.46 STC42490 00000090  HZS0103I HZSPROC INITIALIZATION COMPLETE


Paul Feller
AGT Mainframe Technical Support

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of R.S.
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2019 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: How to delay a healthcheck? [EXTERNAL]

It is z13, so HIPERDISPATCH=YES should be default. However I have coded 
HIPERDISPATCH=YES in IEAOPT00 member, just to solve HealthCheck alert. 
And that's why I found the check is run before HIPERDISPATCH=YES is in effect.

Regarding your questions:
- it's z13 machine
- IRA860I is the only IRA86* message in the log
- IRA860I appear once

Order of things:
19:50:48.58 R00 to IEA101A msg
19:50:57.80 HZS started (HZS0100I and HZS0115I msg)
19:51:27.14 IRA860I

So, indeed, HealthChecker starts half minute before IRA860I.

IMHO Start of HealthChecker should be delayed, not only for the reason above.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2019-01-07 o 04:42, Kevin Mckenzie pisze:
> Radoslaw, what model CEC are you running on?  As Paul says, as of V1R13
> with the z196 or above, the default now is HIPERDISPATCH=YES, so it's not
> even something you need to specify anymore unless you want to run with it
> disabled (and it's required if you want to run in PROCVIEW CORE mode, which
> I'd recommend, even if you don't want to run in SMT-2 mode, just for the
> additional 'D M=CORE" functionality.)  Strictly speaking, there is a time
> after IPL starts where you're running in HIPERDISPATCH=NO mode, but
> assuming you're using the system defaults, the switch to HIPERDISPATCH=YES
> should be happening before the Healthchecker address space starts.  Or do
> you switch to a different IEAOPTxx member after IPL for some reason?
> Can you look at your logs the next time this happens and see when the
> IRA860I message is being issued?  Are there any other IRA86* messages being
> issued during IPL?  Are any 'SET OPT=' commands being issued?
> ---
> Kevin McKenzie
> External Phone: 845-435-8282, Tie-line: 8-295-8282
> z/OS Test Services - Test Architect, Provisioning
> IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> wrote on
> 01/06/2019 09:00:56 PM:
>> From: "Feller, Paul" <paul.fel...@transamerica.com>
>> Date: 01/06/2019 09:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: How to delay a healthcheck? [EXTERNAL]
>> Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>
>> Radoslaw, not a direct answer to your question, but I find it
>> interesting that you get the alert.  For some time now the default
>> for HIPERDISPATCH has been YES.  If I recall correctly the default
>> changed to YES if you ran z/OS V1R13 (or higher) on a z196 or z114
>> (or higher CEC).  So I'm not sure how you would get a HIPERDISPACH
>> of NO unless something was setting it to NO.  I don't recall when it
>> was that we removed HIPERDISPATCH=YES from the IEAOPT member, but it
>> has been a few years.
>> Thanks..
>> Paul Feller
>> AGT Mainframe Technical Support
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU
>> ] On Behalf Of ITschak Mugzach
>> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2019 2:06 PM
>> Subject: Re: How to delay a healthcheck? [EXTERNAL]
>> Radoslav,
>> create a policy statement with a SYNCVAL set to a different time of day.
>> currently it starts immediately after added because the default for
>> ITschak
>> On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 9:21 PM R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl>
> wrote:
>>> The following scenario:
>>> During IPL a HealtChecker is started automatically. One of the check ,
>>> SUP_HIPERDISPATCH claims exception because HIPERDISPATCH=NO is in
> effect.
>>> However IEAOPTxx specifies HIPERDUSPATCH=YES and this value is set,
>>> *but later*, after the check is run.
>>> The check is scheduled for 24h period, so first day there's false
> alert.
>>> There are ways to get rid of the alert by rerunning the check manually
>>> or disabling the check at all.
>>> However, maybe there is a method to change check parameters to delay
>>> its start?
>>> z/OS 2.3


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