Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

>Most folks seem to think that we're being a little silly, which is actually 

No, you are NOT silly. Trust me. Actually I appreciate your posts here in 

>I did get one off-list offer of a product that that sounds pretty great, but 
>we may just suck it up pretend we're grownups.  😉  

Now and then I got similar off-list spam from IBM-MAIN members who wants to try 
sell me a [junk?] product or two.

Like you, I just suck it up because I am grownup ( ok, sort off :-D ), or 
actually, I am not in a position to say to my management, "buy this spammy 

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

PS: some years ago, an IBM-MAIN member [0] spammed me for about 6+ months 
trying to sell me a crappy product despite that I politely told him the first 
time that I cannot accept his offers because I am too low in the food chain to 
accept/recommend his spam z/OS products.

[0] - I see this spammer is silent/lurking on IBM-MAIN these last few months. 
Am I happy or am I that happy? ;-)

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