On Fri, 3 May 2019 13:26:15 -0500, Neale Ferguson wrote:

>When I scp or sftp the tar ball to the Linux system it complains that it 
>doesn't recognize the file as an archive:
>$ tar -tf inc.tar 
>tar: This does not look like a tar archive
>tar: Skipping to next header
>tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
>I had created it with tar -cf inc.tar ./headers
What does "cksum inc.tar" show at both ends?

Is this an ASCII<->EBCDIC problem?

Can you view it with a simple viewer at both ends?
If it appears to contain some text on z/OS and also on Linux,
it has been translated EBCDIC->ASCII.  That breaks it.

(Is this something similar to C #include files or HLASM macros?)

-- gil

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