This is just for discussion. I am seemingly one of few z/OS sysprogs (et
al.) who view UNIX services as just another set of tools in the box, along
with the "legacy" z/OS tools. E.g. I am just as willing to use "awk" for
something as REXX. But I've noticed that many, my manager included, who
basically avoid any programming other than REXX, and then only "TSO" REXX.
Even when I use UNIX for an "ad hoc" report for myself, my manager is
"unhappy" with it and asks why I don't just use REXX. Why don't I? Well,
for one thing, I like and use Extended Regular Expressions. Oh, wait, those
are evil too. It's just mildly irritating to be shackled to "how I do it".
It's the same attitude that the CIO has -- he doesn't understand z/OS,
doesn't want to learn z/OS, and so z/OS must be eliminated for efficiency

I am so glad that my time is short. I don't know how short, but I'm sure
that the new company will RIF me in less than 2 years. Because it's
efficient and cost effective.

Money is the root of all evil.
Evil is the root of all money.
With that in mind, money is made by the government ...

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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