On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 19:20:33 +0000, Seymour J Metz wrote:

>I recall hearing about a UNIVAC shipboard computer where the drum ripped loose 
>from the deck when the ship was maneuvering quickly. 
I have heard this story called apocryphal, as on the FASTRAND page:

But it states that the model II had counterrotating drums to nullify
precessional effects due to earth's rotation(!)  Can't both be true.

>... And I as there when an IBM 2305 did drivek, after multiple power failures, 
>let out a scream like the wailing of the damned and left nicely polished disks 
>and a pile of brown dust. IBM promised that they would have it up in an 
>absurdly short (but still too long) time - and did.
Did they reconstitute the brown dust?

-- gil

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