
I'm thinking that just because one article says the story is urban legend, 
there are more references that talk to the FirstRand I actually being installed 
on a US Navy ship.

This 1st person posting says that it was on the USS Hunley, and the poster was 
on board they removed it.

I checked the video twice when they talked about the FirstRand I on one of the 
navy ships, and did not hear them say it was a legend.

Interesting that Australia used them in the telegram messaging systems.

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-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
William Donzelli
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 10:02
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] DASD nostalgia

> We had a professor who was on the inspection team out of the Navy Yard. Said 
> the drum popped out and churned around like a 4000lb weed-eater for several 
> minutes. I believe Adm. Hopper was on the review board and after a short 
> synopsis. "Just stupid!"

If you could dig up the original inspection report - sure, that would be a 
primary source.

Otherwise, no.

There is just too much "not right" about this myth, especially with a little 
marine engineering knowledge and common sense thrown in.


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