On Thu, 5 Sep 2019 13:42:36 +0000, Vernooij, Kees (ITOP NM) - KLM wrote:

>The offset in the module is 0DA. In your assembler listing you can see which 
>instruction it is.
>The failing instruction is 4110 D088: LA R1,136(R13)

No. LA does not cause a PIC 11, though instruction fetch for the LA could. 
The PIC 11 was caused by a D7 instruction (XC). The other clue is ILC=6. 
The assembler source that was sent doesn't have an XC instruction in it.

>This is loading the address of a fullword at +136 the workarea. 

Right R13+136. Not 216 or whatever I said before.

>The savearea goes to +132, so this is @ARGLST.

If the abend was in the assembler code that was sent, I might agree, 
except that the save area is 72 bytes (18F), not 132 bytes.

Tom Marchant

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