Gerry, I think you are SOL if you want to do that! Running code on a zIIP has to be under license from IBM and is only available to IBM business partners.

On 2019-09-06 6:07 PM, Gerry Anstey wrote:
Hi, has anyone had any success in setting up and SRB to run a COBOL program on 

I have been doing some research and I'm aware of the restrictions in running 
under SRB etc but for now I just want to establish if the concept is viable. 
Does anyone have some sample code to load a COBOL program and then invoking it 
under an SRB (via IEAMSCHED??).

If an elligible SRB process is established will that automatically run on zIIP 
or do we have to do something else?

I much appreciate any advice and information you can provide.


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