Version 1.3 was just released - get it from and some intro here


wizardofzos <>  released this 15 minutes ago

Lionel has added so many new cool features in zigi it's just not fair to
call it 1.2
Hence, we proudly present: zigi V1R3.

A short summary of what's new in this release.

New Features:

*       Rollback to undo your commits
*       Merging
*       Full Tutorial and Help behind your trusted F1
*       Management of 'non z/OS' files in the repository
*       Git commands straight out of zigi
*       Help when cloning non-zigi managed repositories
*       Option to automatically set default userid when commiting
*       Option to auto push after commit


*       Support for "non-standard" env-files
*       Git version checking
*       Solved various edge-cases with 'funky' z/OS dataset- and member


*       Better handling of SSH-keys for remote repos (thanks davidegirardi)
*       Grep support for datasets and files
*       Multi-line commit messages
*       Warning in the README (thanks kadima!)
*       Show branch location (local, remote, local/remote)
*       Various performance improvements (string bpxwunix commands, remove
unneeded remote calls)

Planned for the next drop:


*       Rename elements (datasets, pds members, omvs files)
*       Remove an element from the repository 

*       Deletes the z/OS dataset, PDS member, OMVS file
*       Fully removes from git management

*       Improved,  more comprehensive ISPF tutorial






Lionel B. Dyck <sdg><
Website:  <>

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is what
you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John Wooden


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