Hi Tom,

I'll poke around here. If you don't hear back from me, I had no luck.

-Sue Shumway

On 2/9/2020 2:26 PM, Tom Gardner wrote:
I’ve sort of become a computer storage historian for the Computer History 
Museum and have a particular interest in the first IBM caching storage 
controls, the 3880-11, 13, 21 and 23.  They were followed by the 3990.  IBM 
distributed these manuals on CD-ROM usually called something like XXXX Direct 
Access Storage Subsystems Softcopy Library. I wonder if perhaps someplace in 
someone's files there might be the CD-ROM or perhaps even paper reference 
manuals for these storage controls?  If I can get a copy of either I can have 
it posted to bitsavers or donate to the museum or both.



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Sue Shumway
z/OS Project Lead and Client Advocate
IBM Poughkeepsie

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