With 64 bit machines, each processor now has 8K unique to it.  Do they
need to avoid the first 8K?

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 7:25 AM Peter Relson <rel...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Answer: Not totally
> It is true that all current machines support page 0 in a data space, and
> for them the "normal" origin returned would be 0.
> That is not a guarantee that all future machines would have such support,
> but I find it hard to believe any would not.
> However, we have found it highly desirable to avoid using page 0 of the
> data space, in order to avoid ZAD events (which in turn make it more
> difficult to spot ZAD errors).
> The best way to do that is to use HideZero=YES on DSPSERV CREATE
> (available since z/OS 2.1). And when that is done, the origin returned is
> x'1000'. With HideZero=YES, any reference to the first 4K will fail, so
> that you don't even need ZAD to find erroneous references.
> For us, best practice is to create a 2G data space (not 2G-4K), treat RC=0
> and RC=4 as OK, use HideZero=YES, and use an Origin of x'1000'.
> So you never really need to use the Origin keyword if you simply start at
> x'1000'. There is a non-zero but miniscule risk if you assume that it is
> OK to use an origin of 0.
> Peter Relson
> z/OS Core Technology Design
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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