Quay, Jonathan (IHG) wrote:
Mark and Richard, thanks for the information.

I'm new to Linux and come from an IBM mainframe proprietary operating
system heritage.  I'm slowly realizing that the intended audience for
these publications is not the IBM heritage guy, but the Linux guy who's
now got to work on Z.
One or three of you cats should ping the sponsors of COMMON or SHARE or
whomever and ask them to extend me a paid invitation to present on "The Zen
of Linux for IBM Mainframers".

If it generates enough interest and I get a clearer idea of what the Big Questions are for the community, I might bestir my lazy self to write a (red?)book on this. Seems to be one painfully recurrent and under-addressed topic of discussion these days.

Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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