On 7/20/08, Kaaren Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Zilco breast plat<<
> What size Zilco breast plate did you order for Trausti???  How is the fit
> different from the Sensation Icey size..pros/cons??
> Kaaren

it was one karen sent with Teev, adjusted properly for him to allow
saddle stabilization at the liz clinic.  Then she let me have the
halter bridle when she sent Trausti.  because it was adjusted and had
his bit on it etc.  Its very nice.  I thought Teev was the tank of all
time but for some reason had to let out the breast collar a hole with
trausti.  I think if I ever order another I will just measure this one
because it seems a perfect size for icelandics.  Teev has a horse size
head but trausti's is smaller.  I bought a weaver texas star concho
london tan set for his posse uniform and it is horse sized but had no
problem adjusting the bridle to fit.  The breast collar I am gonna
have to put in a hole on the part that goes to the girth and it is
purely decorative, does not add to stability at all really, not like
the "hunter" type.  This type is called "australian stock" collar in
jeffers catalog, endurance style by zilco, Tucker calls it "Montreal
Trooper Breast collar" and some call it a "Hunter's Breast Plate" but
whatever, it fits more snugly than a western and adds a lot to
stability.  In fact I have no slippage at all with it and the fixed
stirrups on the sensation.  Someday when i win the lotto I would like
a sensation harmony bridle and breast collar  in my signature safety
orange :)  but for now this works real well.  makes you wonder if
western type breast collars offer any actual stability at all.  They
are pretty tho, for parades and showing off :)  But for real utility
and for saddle stabilization on a real level i think this hunter type
breast collar is the kind you need.  I had a breast collar for
stonewall once that is supposed to be best for gaited horses.  I
forget what its called, just a wide band across the chest that affixes
to top of girth on each side.  It pure rubbed all the hair and some
hide off his chest all the way across!  so so much for that!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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