yang nulis artikel udah lama memproklamirkan diri sebagai apple fanboy
jadi ga heran artikelnya rada2 provocative

btw ada satu komentar yg bener2 nendang :
"Android is of course the tech nerd's delight. Nothing affirms their manhood more than to tinker with an OS and tweak and tune it until it purrs. For the rest of
us, that type of affirmation comes from our intimate relationships with the
opposite sex"
jleb banget kyknya hehehe....

On 2010-09-06 ?? 4:19, imam wiratmadja wrote:
Ikutan mod sharing artikel ah.
Artikel ini di Techcrunch baru tayang beberapa jam, komennya udah 4ooan. Memang provoke flaming banget,judulnya juga.

Is Android Only Surging Because Apple Is Letting It? <http://techcrunch.com/2010/09/05/apple-android/>

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