Awesome Device.. :-)

seandainya resolusi bisa diubah jadi qHD.. hehehehehe... sampe skr pasti
pake HD2..
On Nov 29, 2011 7:17 AM, "Defriando Riza" <> wrote:

> the story of successful htc hd2.. cekidot..
> It’s hard to believe just how much the smartphone space has changed since
> *that* phone, the HTC HD2, was released in November 2009, two years ago.
> It was one of the last Windows Mobile devices, but it eventually got ports
> for both Android and Windows Phone 7. With this active developer support
> and a thriving community, it went on to become the most popular device in
> xda-developers history, and was voted as the best HTC device of both 
> 2009<>and
> 2010 <> in our
> forums.
> Now, it’s November 2011, exactly two years later. Time to recapitulate the
> story of this extraordinary smartphone.
> *How it came to be*
> The HD2 was the latest in a line-up that HTC established in 2008, and as a
> main differentiator from other Windows Mobile devices included its custom
> TouchFLO 3D (codename Manila) interface. It started with the original Touch
> Diamond released in May, featuring a strikingly elegant design; later, in
> November, the Touch Pro added a dedicated hardware keyboard for the
> business type; finally, the Touch HD, released in December, had a (for that
> time) huge 3.8″ screen and was targeted at enthusiasts.
> This line-up was continued in the first half of 2009, with the successors
> predictably named Touch Diamond2 and Touch Pro2. The successor to the Touch
> HD, though, didn’t arrive until November, and it dropped the “Touch” in its
> name, to be called just HD2. And that name change was significant: The HD2
> was the first Windows Mobile device with a capacitive touchscreen, and that
> screen was a massive 4.3 inches – the biggest of any smartphone at that
> time –, and it was only the second smartphone (after the ill-fated Toshiba
> TG01) with the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, clocked at a massive 1 GHz.
> In the US, where it was released in March 2010 exclusively on T-Mobile, it 
> sold
> out within four 
> hours<>
> .
> Even today, the HD2 is still quite usable and reasonably fast, as opposed
> to the other Windows Mobile devices of old. But the hardware, however
> impressive, is not the main reason.
> *Development and hacking*
> This site wouldn’t be xda-developers if not for custom 
> ROMs<>,
> and the HD2 is no exception. After 
> HSPL<>was released in 
> early Jauary 2010, custom ROMs started to appear with just
> about any build <>of 
> WM 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5. and 6.5.5. And, among all those Windows Mobile
> devices, the HD2 was the most popular one, with a combined 235.000 posts in
> its WM 6.5 ROM development sections, compared to almost 220.000 for the
> second one, 2007′s HTC Kaiser (also known as TyTN II). But, again, this is
> not the whole story.
> It was all clear from the beginning that the HD2 would be crippled,
> because it shipped with the Windows Mobile operating system, which, even
> with improvements in version 6.5, simply wasn’t designed with finger-use in
> mind. The iPhone had taken the smartphone world by storm, and Android,
> though promosing, wasn’t yet ready for prime-time in late 2009. HTC had no
> choice but to use Windows Mobile – so it dressed it up in an beautiful
> interface called Sense (especially awesome with the excellent CHT 
> mod<>).
> It went much further than the old TouchFLO versions, providing an
> incredibly well-designed homescreen with fancy weather animations,
> replacements for most of the stock apps and settings, and even multitouch
> support in the browser and photo apps. It also spurred a frenzy of custom 
> themes
> and 
> skins<>in
>  our forums. But still, as
> Engadget <> put it:
> The experience was a quick and painful reminder that no matter how pretty
> the window dressing is here, HTC has staged its fashion show in a building
> that should be scheduled for demolition.
>  *Porting Android*
> Being open source, Linux had always been popular among developers for
> ports to other devices, and among power users for its sheer flexibility and
> customizability. Consequently, people wanted “Familiar 
> Linux<>”
> ported onto 2002′s Wallaby, sold as the O2 XDA, the device that started it
> all (well, this site, at least). Ports of Linux never gained widespread
> popularity, though, since Linux was a desktop OS: it didn’t even include
> phone functions.
> Then, in 2005, Google purchased Android Inc., a startup founded two years
> ago, and released the first beta version and SDK of Android, the operating
> system, in November 2007 (more information can be found on the Wikipedia
> article on 
> Android<>).
> This finally gave Linux ports a real purpose – Android was designed as an
> operating system for smartphones, to be used with fingers instead of
> styluses, and it was based on Linux. So, even without any actual Android
> devices released yet (the first one, the HTC Dream, only arrived in late
> 2008), ports of the SDK build started popping up; the most actively
> supported one of those early ports was for the HTC 
> Touch<>
> .
> The aforementioned line-up of devices, specifically the Touch Diamond,
> Pro, HD, Diamond2, and Pro2, also got their own Android ports, beginning in
> 2009, most notably through the XDANDROID 
> project<>.
> However, the HD2′s Snapdragon processor was quite different from the CPU
> used in those other devices; it always crashed when trying to load
> HaRET.exe, the tool used to boot from Windows Mobile into Linux. On June
> 25, 2010, this issue was finally 
> solved<>;
> barely three days later, Android was 
> booting<>on
>  the HD2, and in June, the first
> Android builds were 
> released<>(visit
>  this
> thread <> for a
> more detailed overview).
> Development didn’t stop here, though; aside from the usual assortment of
> bug fixes and other incremental improvements from various developers and
> cooks, another 
> breakthrough<>happened
>  in the last days of 2010:
> MAGLDR <>. It
> allowed people to boot directly into Android, erasing and thereby
> completely bypassing Windows Mobile. With this kind of native NAND support,
> development accelerated once again: ClockworkMod Recovery was 
> released<>a
>  few days later. Since then, all major Android (
> Gingerbread<>,
> Honeycomb<>,
> Ice Cream 
> Sandwich<>)
> and Sense 
> (3.0<>,
> 3.5<>)
> versions have been ported to the HD2.
> But still, this is not the whole story. Barely two weeks into the new
> year, something else happened.
> *Windows Phone 7*
> Let’s take a step back first. As we all know, the HD2 shipped with Windows
> Mobile 6.5, to the disappointment of many. But what had caused Microsoft to
> fall so far behind in the smartphone space? In hindsight, it’s clear that
> Microsoft didn’t see the progress early enough. They eventually saw it, and
> realized that another pimped up version of the same, old interface wouldn’t
> take it anywhere – so, Windows Mobile 7 
> “Photon”<>,
> was canceled, and instead Windows Phone 7 was born. These decisions
> probably happened sometime in late 2008, but work on the new Windows Phone
> would take another two years. They needed something to hold them over – and
> that something was Windows Mobile 6.5, introduced at the Mobile World
> Congress in February 2009.
> A year later, at the MWC 2010, Microsoft finally unveiled Windows Phone 7,
> at the time called “Windows Phone 7 Series”, though that “Series” was
> dropped <> later.
> Initial reactions were quite controversial – journalists and bloggers
> praised the slick Metro design language, while we at xda-developers thought
> it was too locked 
> down<>,
> missing 
> features<>…
> and 
> beautiful<>
> .
> With an emulator 
> dump<>and
>  a leaked
> Mondrian 
> ROM<>available,
>  developers scrambled to port the new OS to the HD2; a donation
> fund <> in May
> reached a whopping 1350$. But several things complicated this process:
> WP7′s ROM system was quite different from that of older WM 
> versions<>,
> and it wasn’t open source, like Android. A proper port would probably have
> been impossible, if it weren’t for the fact that the HD2, along with the
> Toshiba TG01, was used internally as a testing device (which is also why
> the TG01 got a 
> port<>as well). This 
> meant that Microsoft and HTC created Windows Phone 7 drivers
> for it, which (thankfully) got into the hands of the Chinese
> DarkForcesTeam <>.
> So, coming back to the new year of 2011: On January 12, the DarkForcesTeam
> released the first working Windows Phone 7 port for the HTC HD2 on their
> website, but it wasn’t publicly accessible yet. One day later, the ROM was
> posted on our forums as well, and people were all over it. This original
> ROM had a lot of bugs; for instance, you weren’t able to log in with your
> Windows Live ID to set up marketplace access. As fixes were 
> discovered<>,
> though, these were cooked into new custom ROMs.
> But when the first Windows Phone 7 update, NoDo, which brought along speed
> improvements and copy-and-paste, rolled out in March, there was no port in
> sight. Only after two months did an enterprising forum member, YukiXDA,
> who’s since left xda for personal reasons, take it into his own hands to
> figure out how to port 
> NoDo<>.
> He even managed to do things that are impossible with real WP7 devices,
> like fully rooting and unlocking the ROM.
> Things were different, however, when the second update, version 7.5
> “Mango”, rolled out in September: YukiXDA and xboxmod had already developed
> a ROM <> that
> could be updated all the way to Mango, using Zune, a full month before the
> official update.
> Still, a few bugs remain with Windows Phone 7 on the HD2 – for instance,
> pictures taken with flash have a green tint, and multitouch is spotty. And
> they probably won’t ever be 
> fixed<>,
> since they’re all related to low-level drivers, which are practically
> impossible to implement without any documentation.
> *What else*
> So, we have one smartphone that’s able to run four different operating
> systems – Windows Mobile 6.5, Android, Windows Phone 7, and desktop Ubuntu.
> There’s even been work on a MeeGo 
> port<>– but since 
> Nokia jumped ship to Windows Phone, that project is on hold,
> though there’s still the (distant) 
> possibility<>that
>  MeeGo Harmattan, as used on the Nokia
> N9 <>, could be
> ported over.
> Anyway, with the latest Android and Windows Phone versions working on the
> HD2, it is surprisingly up-to-date, whereas other Windows Mobile devices
> have long faded into obscurity, even here on xda. Sure, development has
> slowed, but now, with over 1.1 million posts across all its subforums, the
> HD2 has over 100.000 more posts than the second most popular device, the
> EVO 4G. Remarkable, considering how Windows Mobile was already outdated
> when the HD2 was released.
> Maybe there’s something special, tragic, about it, just like with the 
> N9<>:
> It’s both ahead of its time and 
> outdated<>,
> all at the same time. The HD2 was essentially the blueprint for the EVO 4G,
> HD7, Desire HD, and all those other 4.3″ devices from HTC; yet, none of
> these can be considered as a real successor – even though they came out
> later, their hardware was pretty much the same. And even though the Android
> devices also got lots of attention and development here on xda, they never
> got any meaningful ports of other operating systems. Probably no future
> device will, as the smartphone space is now consolidating around iOS,
> Android, and Windows Phone, which are all miles ahead of the old Windows
> Mobile in terms of usability, so there isn’t the same kind of desire, from
> both users and developers, to port over other operating systems.
> The HD2 pushed the limits on size, speed, and industrial design for
> smartphones: When it came out, many found it too big, but now, there are
> even bigger devices; the Snapdragon went on to be included in lots of other
> devices; the industrial design, with impossibly thin bezels, soft-touch
> plastic and metal on the back, was, at the time, a class of its own. The
> HD2 was a great device all by itself, especially being one of the last ones
> to feature Windows Mobile; what made it this special, though, was the
> support it got from developers and our community, which refused to let it
> die and tweaked and hacked it until it became the most popular device in
> xda history.
> I also have an 
> HD2<>,
> bought in November 2010, exactly one year after it launched. If it weren’t
> for this community, it wouldn’t be half as awesome: it’d be stuck with
> Windows Mobile. Heck, if it weren’t for this community, I probably would’ve
> gotten another phone altogether. I’m glad I didn’t.
> With this, let’s say thanks to HTC for this magnificent piece of hardware,
> Google for Android, Microsoft for Windows Phone, and: everyone who made the
> HD2 the device it is today. Normal users, themers, tweakers, hackers,
> developers – thank you. You’re brilliant.
> Read full article at
> Mr. incredible rides Zeus 1.3.0
> --
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