alhamdulilah berhasil nih downgrade meskipun proses bikin bricknya lama 
baru bisa :D

Pada Senin, 19 Maret 2012 4.50.16 UTC+7, Defriando Riza menulis:
> Buat yg mau nyoba, ini panduan visualnya.. :)
> You may remember seeing an article that we published yesterday on the 
> EVO<>3D’s
> <>
> hboot<>downgrading<>.
> Well, XDA Recognized Developer 
> Unknownforce<>, 
> who has been extremely active in his own guide thread noticed a few things 
> in his original guide, which lead to very few success stories on this 
> front. In fact, other than maybe one or two people, no one was able to 
> brick their devices to get them to the point of emmc mode (and yes, we do 
> see the irony of a thread full of complains by people not being able to 
> brick their devices). Yesterday night, he revised his guide and recorded a 
> video of the step by step process that he used to achieve this amazing 
> feat. The guide in its current state is much more complete, with more 
> downloads and links to tools that you will likely need, such as links 1.13 
> RUU, emmc_recover, and much more.
> The dev has also provided, as stated before, a video which shows the 
> entire process step by step. While the video is a tad blurry, and the dev 
> complains and acknowledges this in several parts of the almost 30 min 
> video, it is very clear and to the point. One thing that it is not 
> mentioned too much in the thread is the fact that you will need to return 
> to stock AND relock your bootloader. In fact, you will have a hard time 
> returning to stock if you don’t relock the bootloader.
> Please leave some feedback if you are successful with this method. Thanks Mr 
> nerd <> for the 
> screenshot!
> *IMPORTANT!!! This is NOT for the weak minded… this is fairly advanced 
> stuff and you can damage your phone very badly if you mess it up because 
> you must INTENTIONALLY brick your device during this process… that IS the 
> SECOND step… So unless you really know what **you’re** doing on a PC and *
> *linux**… you might want to wait for someone to write a tool to do this 
> stuff automatically…*
> You can find more information in the guide 
> thread<>
> .
> Want something published in the Portal? Contact any News Writer.
> Read full article at 
> http://<>
> www.xda<>
> -<>
> /android/<>
> evo<>
> -3d-downgrade-procedure-updated-now-with-video/<>
> DD : webOS 2.2.4
>         ICS AOKP 

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