di play store kapan ya? masak ga barengan? sebelum 21 September. Agustus
mungkin atau Juli? :D


It’s been a little while now since we received confirmation that
BlackBerry’s long-adored messenger service would be making its way to
iPhone. In fact, BBerry announced it publicly at an event not long ago.
Although the company never gave any official dates, a debunked
it would be available on June 27th. Like my delivery from Amazon that
should have arrived yesterday, BBM did not make an appearance on the App
Store, and neither is it likely to any time soon.

During BlackBerry’s earnings call this morning, CEO Thorsten Heins made it
clear that the company is very much still planning on bringing BBM to the
two most popular smartphone platforms, and stated that Android and iPhone
users will get BBM “*before the end of the summer*.”

So, it’s official. BBM will land on the App Store before September 21st.

BBM of course isn’t the only major BlackBerry service to make its way
cross-platform in recent times. Just this week, the company made its
enterprise aimed Secure Work Space
to iOS users for the first time. It’s a sign – if nothing else – that the
once great hardware company is having to sell out its greatest products to
ensure survival.



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