Klo pre-order, seharusnya harganya tetap, bukan berubah2.
Awalnya si canonical kan mintanya $600, trus jadi $853, trus turun lagi
jadi berapa tuh yang terakhir, lah trus bedanya apa tuh barang yg harganya
$600 dgn yang $853 ?
Saya sih gak nemu penjelasannya.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Mohamad Cipto Pangestu <
mohamad.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kayanya kata sumbangan kurang cocok ya, lebih tepat pre order hehehehe
> Kalo sumbangan kan ngasih duit doang kalo ini kan kita dpt devicenya juga.
> Maksudnya "ngemis sumbangan" itu kayak gimana ya?
> Kalau aku lihat kok skema fundingnya sama saja dengan startup yang umumnya?
> salam
> -iggy
> ------------------------------
> "Sent from MOTOROLA Maserati
> On Jul 25, 2013 9:38 AM, "yose aldo" <yosea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Di amrik, gak sedikit perusahaan start up yg gak punya duit banyak tapi
>> bisa bikin produk tanpa harus "minta sumbangan" model si Canonical ini.
>> Don't get me wrong, di 2012, saya pernah taruh harapan besar utk
>> Canonical. Saya berharap mereka bisa mengalahkan popularitas android dan
>> jadi rival android terkuat.
>> Krn android sendiri free license nya kan sepertinya jabis di 2015 besok
>> (CMIIW), jadi android nantinya mungkin akan dibuat berbayar oleh google.
>> Jadi, dari jauh hari harus ada yg bisa jd pesaing berat android, kebetulan
>> UBuntu kan "sepupu kandung"-nya android scr teknis. Kalo android bisa
>> dikembangkan sampe spt skrg, scr teknis harusnya UBuntu juga bisa.
>> Ternyata Canonical malah "ngemis sumbangan" kya gini, drop banget deh
>> jadinya mereka bagi saya. Dgn cara spt ini, buat saya, UBuntu bakalan sulit
>> berkembang spt android.
>> Krn google bikin cara pemasaran yg beda dan sangat diluar "pakem"
>> marketing yg ada saat itu, menunjukan tingkat kreativitas google.
>> Klo canonical dari awal aja gak bisa kreatif cari modal utk bikin
>> produknya masuk pasar, gimana mereka bisa bikin produknya diterima luas di
>> pasar?
>> Apalagi, akhir tahun ini bakalan mulai era wearable devices, dimana
>> nantinya smartphone bukan lagi sekedar smartphone atau cuma sekedar jadi pc
>> replacement saja, tapi sudah jadi semacam personal server buat olah input/
>> output dari dan/ke wearable devices.
>> Canonical malah dengan pede nya memasarkan pc replacement doang.
>> Sedihnya.
>> *IMO, lho. :)
>>  On Jul 22, 2013 10:17 PM, "Eko Prasetiyo" <ekopraset...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Speknya tinggi bgt. Ada yg tertarik utk nyumbang?
>>> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/07/ubuntu-edge-indiegogo-campaign-for-ubuntu-touch-super-phone
>>> Canonical are hoping to kickstart the super-phone race with an audacious
>>> $32 million crowd-funding campaign.
>>> Ubuntu’s commercial sponsor are aiming to raise funds for the
>>> development and manufacture of a new, Ubuntu-branded mobile called Ubuntu
>>> Edge over the next 30 days.
>>> Ubuntu Edge will be more than ‘just’ a smartphone – it’ll be a
>>> ‘super-phone‘, powerful enough to double-up as a traditional PC when
>>> attached to an external monitor. This, Canonical say, will make it ’the
>>> world’s first truly converged’ device.
>>> But first $32 million needs to be raised over the next 30 days. If this
>>> goal is met Ubuntu Edge handsets will be produced in a limited production
>>> run of 40,000 and made available in May 2014.
>>> Ubuntu Edge Specifications
>>> Ubuntu Edge won’t be any ol’ run-of-the-mill mobile. Canonical are
>>> crafting a communication device that’s couture; they want to out-Apple
>>> Apple.
>>> The tentative specifications for it features high-end components, some
>>> rarely used in consumer mobiles.
>>> ‘Multi-core CPU’
>>> 4GB RAM
>>> 128GB SSD
>>> 4.5″ Sapphire Crystal screen (1280×720 HD resolution)
>>> Dual cameras (8mp rear, 2mp front)
>>> MHL connector (supporting HDMI)
>>> Long-life silicon anode battery
>>> Dual-LTE, NFC, Dual-band WiFi & Bluetooth 4
>>> GPS, Barometer, Compass, Proximity Sensor, Gyro, etc
>>> OS wise Ubuntu Edge, perhaps most surprisingly, will dual-boot Ubuntu
>>> Touch and Android. When docked it will be able to power a full Ubuntu
>>> desktop experience on an external monitor.
>>> Biggest Campaign Ever
>>> ‘[We Need to] smash every record in crowdfunding history’ – Mark
>>> Shuttleworth
>>> The project, live on IndieGoGo, is the single-largest crowd-funding
>>> campaign in history.
>>> $32 million is a big ask; is it really achievable?
>>> Chances are good. Canonical need just 40,000 backers to “pre-buy” a
>>> handset for $810 to meet their goal.
>>> Even if the campaign fails to rich its goal it could still prove helpful
>>> by demonstrating demand. If this high enough it could buoy the interest of
>>> more cautious telecom carriers and handset makers.
>>> Mark Shuttleworth concludes that inorder to make their converged future
>>> of mobile happen they’ll need to  “…smash every record in crowdfunding
>>> history.
>>> “But if there are enough enthusiasts who want the ultimate in
>>> performance, storage, screen, battery and bandwidth, Ubuntu Edge will be
>>> the catalyst for awesome innovation, and a taste of the future of the
>>> phone.”
>>> Will you be donating?
>>> --
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>>  --
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>> ---------------------
>> ID-Android on YouTube
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u81L8Qpy5A
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>> Web Hosting, Zimbra Mail Server, VPS gratis Raspberry Pi :
>> http://www.hostune.com
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>> Aturan Umum ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
>> Join Forum ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
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>> kirim email ke id-android+berhenti berlangga...@googlegroups.com .
>  --
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> http://www.indosat.com/Personal/Internet/INDOSAT_SUPER_3G_plus
> ---------------------
> ID-Android on YouTube
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u81L8Qpy5A
> --------------------
> Web Hosting, Zimbra Mail Server, VPS gratis Raspberry Pi :
> http://www.hostune.com
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> Aturan Umum ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
> Join Forum ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
> ==========
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> Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android]
> Indonesian Android Community " dari Grup Google.
> Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini,
> kirim email ke id-android+berhenti berlangga...@googlegroups.com .
> --
> ==========
> http://www.indosat.com/Personal/Internet/INDOSAT_SUPER_3G_plus
> ---------------------
> ID-Android on YouTube
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u81L8Qpy5A
> --------------------
> Web Hosting, Zimbra Mail Server, VPS gratis Raspberry Pi :
> http://www.hostune.com
> --------------------
> Aturan Umum ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
> Join Forum ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
> ==========
> ---
> Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android]
> Indonesian Android Community " dari Grup Google.
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Aturan Umum  ID-Android: http://goo.gl/MpVq8
Join Forum  ID-ANDROID: http://forum.android.or.id
Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian 
Android Community " dari Grup Google.
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