Sayangnya tab saya ga dapat upgrade to kit kat,, :(


Warm Regards,


Zigo AlCapone


Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.

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From: [] On
Behalf Of Eko Susanto
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 12:51 PM
To: id-android@googlegroups com
Subject: [id-android] Wti Android KitKat leak suggests big improvements for
cheap phones and wearables


Berita bagus nih buat low end device.
arable-sensors/?ncid=rss_truncated> ncid
arable-sensors/?ncid=rss_truncated> =
arable-sensors/?ncid=rss_truncated> rss_truncated

When you thought we were ready for Google's next announcement, along comes
some fresh information, courtesy of regular Google news-breaker, Amir
Efrati. He's apparently taken a look at confidential documents outlining
what's going on with the next big mobile OS update. The Android KitKat
iteration will apparently tackle that tricky fragmentation issue, and has
been designed to work well even on lesser-specced Google-powered handsets.
The new Android OS "optimizes memory use in every major component," and will
include tools to make memory-friendly apps for "entry-level devices" with
memory even as low as 512MB.

The other major point is how Google, a well-known proponent of wearables, is
already is prepping for even more smartwatches and visors on its mobile
operating system. The new version will reportedly include support for three
new sensors: geomagnetic rotation vector, step detection and step counters,
which could be Android's way of answering Apple's inclusion of a dedicated
motion processor in its latest iPhone. The source reckons these are geared
towards Google's rumored smart watch -- or possibly glass. Google is
apparently still working on making NFC a bigger deal, and has also worked
internally on improving smartphones' skills controlling your TV and other
devices. Apparently, this will involve unifying how Android deals with IR
blasters, rather than the fragmented approach brought by phone makers
including Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC. Bluetooth is also rumored to see
significant improvements, with Bluetooth HID over GATT and Message Access
Profile both mentioned what Android-running hardware can talk with.

Update: The author's also taken to Twitter, adding that there will be a new
fullscreen mode, with the ability for developers to create interfaces from
edge to edge. The navigation bar will apparently remain hidden. Sharing the
love over on G+, he adds that there could well be power savings alongside
the update, with both sensor and WiFi batching helping to eke out battery

We'll hopefully see soon how much of this hits the mark, and have our
fingers crossed that there's also a new phone, primed with those sensors, to
go with it all.

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