Test from swiftkey...


On 26 Nov 2013 04:38, "Julham (uam)" <julha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *SwiftKey 4.3.1 update improves numpad and fixes bugs*
> http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-4-3-1-update-improves-numpad-and-fixes-bugs-20131125/
> SwiftKey <http://androidcommunity.com/tag/swiftkey/> 4.3 exited the beta
> phase in early November and that meant the “Layouts for Living” 
> update<http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-4-3-exits-beta-brings-the-added-keyboard-layouts-to-the-play-store-20131106/>became
>  available by way of the Google Play Store. The key with that update
> was the variety of options for the keyboard. You see, Layouts for Living
> actually meant users had a few options including a split keyboard, right
> (or left) side keyboard, a keyboard that could undock and more.
> Well, it looks like SwiftKey 4.3.1 has arrived in the Play Store earlier
> this morning and while this is mostly a bug fixing update, there is one
> change that will likely be welcomed by those who are left-handed. The 4.3.1
> update allows users to move the number pad to the left or right side of the
> screen. Similar to how we have made adjustments in the past, you can adjust
> this setting by pressing and holding the “123″ key in the lower left. From
> that point tap themes.
> Aside from the new left-hand friendly number pad option, SwiftKey 4.3.1
> took care of a bug where some were losing the personal language when
> updating and also restored a missing dollar sign. The missing dollar sign
> fix is for those in non-US territories and will have the dollar sign on the
> X key. Additionally, a press and hold of the X key will bring up five
> different currency symbol options. The spacebar sound is now also different
> than other keys.
> Otherwise, while SwiftKey 4.3.1 has taken care of a few bugs, it seems to
> have introduced a new one. This one has been spotted when we updated our
> Nexus 5. In other words, this one will likely affect Kit Kat users.
> Basically, once you update SwiftKey from the Play Store — SwiftKey is not
> going to be your default. Diving into the Settings didn’t help us, but
> things were fixed quickly enough by opening the SwiftKey app.
> SOURCE: SwiftKey 
> Blog<http://www.swiftkey.net/en/blog/swiftkey-4-3-1-new-bugfix-update/>
> *Story Timeline*
> Swiftkey 4.3 beta offers three modes, nearly unlimited 
> customization<http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-4-3-beta-offers-three-modes-nearly-unlimited-customization-20131017/>SwiftKey
> 4.3 beta: hands-on with the full, thumb and compact 
> keyboards<http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-4-3-beta-hands-on-with-the-full-thumb-and-compact-keyboards-20131017/>Swiftkey
> beta gets a significant update, improves docking and language 
> layouts<http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-beta-gets-a-significant-update-improves-docking-and-language-layouts-20131023/>SwiftKey
> 4.3 exits beta, brings the added keyboard layouts to the Play 
> Store<http://androidcommunity.com/swiftkey-4-3-exits-beta-brings-the-added-keyboard-layouts-to-the-play-store-20131106/>
> shared via http://feedly.com
> --
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