
Moltes gràcies,

kyrafiniarel ™
sent from my camera
On 27 Nov 2013 05:38, "Julham (uam)" <> wrote:

> Photography (mobile) akan ada evolusi baru lagi nih, can't wait.
> *Google confirms RAW file support and native burst mode shooting coming to
> Android*
> *Your good camera hardware is going to get better with a future software
> update from Google*
> Google has confirmed to *Cnet* that the rumors of RAW file support coming
> to Android are true, as well as native burst shot for the camera
> application <>. According to Google
> spokesperson *Gina Scigliano*, support is already in place at the low
> level and the next step is to work on an API.
> Android's latest camera HAL (*H*ardware *A*bstraction *L*ayer) and
> framework supports raw and burst-mode photography. We will expose a
> developer API in a future release to expose more of the HAL functionality.
> What does this mean for the user? Well we won't know for sure until we
> actually see it in use, but it brings some great possibilities to the
> table. Support for RAW image files can be used to create professional-style 
> photo
> editors<>,
> along the lines of LightRoom from Adobe. When built with a touch interface
> and small screen in mind, these apps should be able to do some pretty
> powerful stuff.
> In addition, burst-mode shooting being built into the firmware will allow
> the default Android camera app (as well as any app who wants to use the
> public API) multiple shot image-taking with little fuss. Besides the way it
> is used for HDR+ on the Nexus 5, this is something we've seen and enjoyed
> from HTC as part of their 
> ImageSense<>tech, and having it at 
> the hardware level makes things fast and fluid.
> What we don't know is when to expect any of this. Google is always pushing
> Android forwards — even if we don't *see* the new features — and there is
> no telling if these changes will require a new platform version or just a
> minor point release. We're ready for them either way!
> Source: 
> Cnet<>
> shared via
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